In this blog we are going to talk about one of our non-vegetarian meals.It's everyone's favorite fish fry.Get ready to cook and taste...

Required Ingredients :
                     Fish 1\2 kg,Kashmeiri chilli powder 1 table spoon,turmeric powder 1\4 table spoon,corn flour 2 table spoon,pepper 1\2 table spoon,coriander powder 1 table spoon, require amount of salt,half lemon juice.

How to prepare :
                         In a bowl add chilli powder, turmeric powder, pepper powder,coriander powder,corn flour,salt,lemon juice and a small amount of water and mix well to form a thick paste.Add less chili powder and pepper powder when making for kids.Rice flour can also be used as an alternative to corn flour.

                      Now take each fish and apply the spice. Do not apply too much spice.Soak the spiced fish for at least 1 hour.Turn the stove on and put the frying pan in it and pour the required amount of oil to fry.When the oil is hot, keep the oven on low heat and fry each fish. Do not turn the fish over and fry too often.Put the fish in oil once and after 3 to 5 minutes turn it over and fry.

That's it prepare the fish fry soaking saliva on the tongue.